"The greatest happiness and the greatest gift from God is human life. A fool is he who does not realise this and carelessly wastes this precious gift. He acts like one who throws away a diamond as if it were worthless glass. Don’t let your life trickle away like sand slipping through your fingers."
Once more a new level of Yoga practice is ahead of you and an equally new level in your development.
In daily practice you have gained your own understanding and experience of the effects of Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation upon body, mind and soul. The next step is to consider more deeply the philosophy and spiritual aspects of Yoga. “Where do I come from?” “What is the meaning and purpose of life?” “What duty must I fulfil in this life?” And finally, “Where will I go after this life?”
Within the practice of “Yoga in Daily Life” the answers to these five vital questions can be found. Ultimately we can free ourselves from the wheel of destiny and attain the final and supreme goal of Yoga - liberation from Karma, death and rebirth.
On the path to this goal, you become free of many health problems, mental worries and fears. Most importantly you can free yourself of those inner qualities that disturb you such as anger, egoism, hatred, attachment, envy and addictions.
Always be conscious that Yoga is an entirely voluntary path - bright and clear like the rays of the sun and free like a bird in the sky. No one should feel pressured. It is completely your own decision to determine what steps you take and when.
Often one is tempted by the restless and changeable nature of the mind to break from the Yoga path and again try something new. This is why you must develop great awareness and analyse your thoughts very carefully. Never allow yourself to be tempted to change out of mere curiosity. The success you gain in Yoga can be likened to the care given to a tender plant - it will only grow and bear fruit under your gentle and loving care. If you repeatedly plant and replant a small seed, it will never gain the opportunity to take root and thrive. In the same way the flower of spirituality will only develop through patience, love and perseverance.
निर्गुणो निष्क्रियो नित्यो । निर्विकल्पो निरञ्जनः ।
निर्विकारो निराकारो । नित्य मुक्तोऽस्मि निर्मलः ॥
I am without qualities, immutable,
everlasting, flawless, unchanging,
without form, eternally free and eternally pure.