Immediate drought help needed! You too can alleviate suffering and save lives!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We approach you with an urgent request and ask for your kind attention and help.
At present, many parts of India are suffering a severe drought and sufficient rain has not fallen, especially in the Pali district of Rajasthan, for 7 long years. This year the monsoon failed again, with the result that for 15 continuous months there has been no rain at all (apart from a few sparse drops here and there). Due to this lack of rain, there is an extreme shortage of drinking water, particularly in the rural areas and small villages, where both humans and animals have nothing to drink. At the same time there is also a devastating lack of fodder for the animals to eat. Cows, buffalos and young calves have almost nothing to feed on.
The Government of Rajasthan, the District Collector has requested the help of NGO's and therefore our Yoga institute the Sri Vishwa Deep Gurukul Swami Maheshwarananda Ashram Education & Research Center in Jadan, Pali district, Rajasthan, is actively doing whatever it can to provide urgent assistance. The Ashram’s fire-truck has a capacity of 11,000 litres and since April this year has been supplying water to remote village communities, driving around the clock almost continuously. Furthermore the Ashram has organised some extra tractor-tankers to transport water but still it is not enough. Help is needed urgently!!
The cost of one tractor-tanker to supply 5,000 litres of water, amounts to 700 USD per month. Fodder for 2 cows, costs approximately 1 USD per day.
In the name of the victims of this terrible drought, both humans and animals, we seek your financial assistance! Your help is most appreciated and desperately needed. Thank you and God bless you.
To contribute to the cost of water-tankers and fodder, please deposit your kind donation to the account mentioned below. We will also provide on-line donation's system shortly. Please visit us again soon!
International Sri Deep Madhavananda Ashram Fellowship and "Yoga in Daily Life"
Acc. No. 08363 424 601, Bank Austria-Creditanstalt, Banking Code 11000
[EBAN: AT171100008363424601, Swift Code: BKAUATWW]
*** PLEASE HELP! ***