Gurupurnima – the nectar of Gurudev’s presence
We are happy to share with you some drops of nectar from Gurupurnima in Om Vishwa Deep Gurukul Swami Maheshwarananda Ashram, Jadan, Rajasthan, India. This glorious festival was celebrated for two days. Om Ashram was visited by thousands of bhaktas from all over India and from all continents. The joy of Gurudev’s darshan and His satsangs vibrated all the time in the whole ashram. Divine and tender love of our Vishwaguruji and warm devotion of His bhaktas merged all present in Om Ashram into the oneness of a divine family.
Live Report from Sadhvi Shantiji
"Today the celebration of Gurupurnima has ended officially. In fact there was Satsang from Sunday till Monday noon because there were 2 days of full-moon. The main celebration was on Monday, 26 July, but it started already on Sunday. Thousands of people came from all India to greet Swamiji, it was a colourful picture of Bhaktas. On Sunday, it started already in the morning at 6am with prayer and at 9 am prayer at Holy Guruji's Mahasamadhi, at 10am was Guru Pooja under the "tin shed", a roofed place where an altar was built and all activities took place. Thousands found place there. During the whole day lectures, videos and bhajan singing took place and Satsang in the evening. There was bhajan singing during the whole night from 25th to 26th July. All Bhaktas got excellent eating from our Indian kitchen.
A special blessing was the rain that cooled down the heat and that has lasted now for almost 3 days and will last longer we do hope.
Swamiji was fully active the whole time, and he spoke and sang full of incredible enthusiasm and power. We had very touching moments in his presence. Thousands of people came to bid him Pranam, the whole ashram was filled with flowers, fragance, chanting and love.
Unfortunately the internet did not function but the video team took all films and will send them later on
Another special and happy event was that exactly at Gurupurnima, at Brahmamuhurta, 4am a beautiful foal was born with a white tilak on its forehead. It got the name Usha.
Yesterday, on 26th July a Camp at Sri Swami Madhavananda Austria Hospital took place. Six medical specialists gave consultations and treatments free of charge. 825 patients came to utilize this service. It was a very successful start also for the new management team of the hospital and the day of the official start of the hospital's laboratory, x-ray, reception, doctors and medical staff.
This Gurupurnima was an auspicious day in every aspect, which we will keep in our memory for a long time.
Swamiji's blessing and the protection of Sri Alakhpuriji's Siddha Peeth Parampara is granting light and shelter for all Bhaktas - just feel the blessings of our omnipresent Masters. OM Sri Deep Narayan Bhagwan ki Jay!
With love,
Sadhvi Shanti"
Pictures from Gurupurnima
Om Ashram building
General Start of Sri Swami Mahdhavananda Austria Hospital