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ABC News - Escape, Relax and Recharge on a Yoga Retreat
ABC Radio National - Swamiji and the Bhajan, 30th May 2008
Alexandrians Find Inner Peace
Beat Winter Depression With Yoga - Wisdom magazine
Conscious Living Radio - Interview
Council of Europe
Earth Dialogues
Express Nightout (Washington Post) - Come in Peace: Swamiji's Yoga in Daily Life
Fox TV 1 - Swamiji Brings World Peace Message to 'Good Day' Friday
Fox TV 2 - Web Extra! Swamiji!
Interview with Swamiji - Lessons from a Recovering DoorMat blog
LA Times - Swami shows homies a path to inner peace, 2008
Millenium World Peace Conference of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, New York, 2000
Millenium World Peace Summit, Common Statement (signed also by Swamiji)
Om Ashram
Satellite image
Self-realization & The City - Swamiji in NY
Swamiji visits Homeboy Industries
UN Support for Desert Rainwater harwesting
Universal Peace Federation
Vaclav Havel
WPS in Vienna, Austria, 2002
WPS in Sydney, Australia, 2003
WPS in Brno, Czech Republic, 2004
WPS in Zagreb, Croatia, 2005
WPS in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2006
WPS in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2007
WPS in Wellington, New Zealand, 2008

A Guru on the go

Interview with Swamiji
Friedensbaum im Stadtpark gepflanzt

Understanding universal love

Narodne novine
Novi List Online
Samoborski Glasnik magazine
Swamiji meets with the President of Croatia - homepage of the President of Croatia
Ten percent of Croatians knows YIDL
Vjesnik Online
Yoga is not a religion

Czech Republic

Interview with Swamiji - RTL Klub

First Hindu Jewish Summit Report

South Africa
Swamiji meets with Fatima Meer

Celjan (Svamiji in Celje)
Cooking with love is also Yoga
Dolenjski list - (Swamiji in Novo Mesto)
Interview with Swamiji - Studio 12
Ona - Interview
Red Cross in Slovenia
Swamiji meets with the Mayor of Celje and plants peace tree
Swamiji meets with the Mayor of Maribor
Swamiji meets with the Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning
The peace of Yogic Holiness
The peace of Yogic Holiness - Maribor
There is only one religion
TV Slovenija 1 (Dobro jutro - Conversation with Indian Guru) - (select WMV format to view)
TV Slovenija 1 (Duhovni utrip - 20 years of YIDL in Slovenia) - (select WMV format to view)